Freedom is not a gift given, it`s a choice made

Freedom is not a gift given, it`s a choice made


Bliss and Blisters

Der West Coast Trail

Bevor wir am 2. Juli den WCT an der Westkueste von Vancouver Island starten, stellen wir das Auto in Port Renfrew ab. Hier ueberpruefen wir ein letztes Mal Ausruestung und Vorraete (die fuer 8 Tage reichen muessen) auf Vollstaendigkeit und Funktion, denn auf dem 75 km langen Trail besteht keine Moeglichkeit mehr dazu.

Der Trail fuehrt von Bamfield nach Gordon River.
Ein Bus bringt uns ueber sog. Loggingroads nach Bamfield zum Trailhead. Diese Fahrt ist an sich schon ein Abenteuer. Wer schon einmal in einem alten klapprigen ungefederten Bus 3 Stunden auf holprigen, kurvenreichen und abschuessigen Schotterpisten, teilweise gefaehrlich nahe an steilen Abgruenden mit einem pensionierten Rallye-Fahrer gefahren ist, weiss wovon ich spreche. Mein Gedanke war: "Wenn ich diese Fahrt ueberlebe, kann mir der WCT nix mehr anhaben"

Let the Adventure begin!!
Der Trail selbst fuehrt durch eine urspruengliche Landschaft mit einigen der letzten noch verbliebenen Regenwaeldern und bietet ein Naturerlebnis, wie es sonst nur schwer zu finden ist. Er ist ein Pfad, dessen Bau 1890 begonnen wurde, um Schiffbruechigen und Verletzten "schnelle" Hilfe zu bringen in diesem nicht besiedelten Gebiet. Der Pazifik an der Westkueste ist sehr rauh und stuermisch und forderte in den letzten Jahrhunderten sehr viele Menschenleben.
Vor uns liegen 6-9 Tage Wandern durch dichte Urwaelder mit maechtigen, teilweise ueber 1000 Jahre alten Baeumen mit seltener, beeindruckender Fauna und ueber wilde und einsame Kuestenstriche. Wir muessen dabei Fluesse und reissende Wasserlaeufe ueberqueren, dabei geht es teilweise ueber schlueprige Baumstaemme in schwindelnder Hoehe (der hoechste zu ueberquerende Stamm liegt ca. 10 Meter ueber einem Bach *schwitz*), provisorische Holzbruecken, Haengebruecken, jede Menge Leitern hinauf, Steilhaenge, durch Schlammloecher und Wurzelwerk. Auch passieren wir einige Indianerreservate. Und immer wieder bieten sich uns herrliche Ausblicke auf das San Juan Inlet bis hin zur amerikanischen Kueste mit den Olympic Mountains. Am Strand zu wandern ist manchmal nur moeglich, wenn Ebbe herrscht, deshalb bekommen wir zu Anfang eine Gezeitentabelle, die sich sehr nuetzlich erweist. Die Flut kommt hier so schnell und gewaltig, dass man echt nach der Tabelle wandern muss, um nicht irgendwo auf einem herausragenden Felsen gefangen zu sein.
Der West Coast Trail ist nur fuer erfahrene Wanderer (zu Recht wie sich herausstellt) zugelassen und fuer uns bedeutet er eine Herausforderung, um die eigenen Grenzen kennenzulernen. Fuer mich im Speziellen bedeutet er auch mit meiner Angst vor Baeren und Cougars umzugehen, von denen es hier im Pacific Rim National Park genuegend gibt.
Heute, nachdem wir wieder den zweiten Tag zurueck in der Zivilisation sind, bin ich immer noch beeindruckt von der wilden Schoenheit der Natur, den faszinierenden Ausblicken auf den rauschenden Ozean mit all seiner Gewaltigkeit und Kraft und unserer immer kleiner werdenden Anspruechen angesichts dieser Groesse. Ab sofort habe ich vollstes Mitgefuehl fuer eine Schnecke, die ihren ganzen Hausstand ein Leben lang auf dem Ruecken tragen muss. ;-)
Den gesamten Trail im Detail zu beschreiben, wuerde den Rahmen dieses Blogs spren
gen, daher eine Kuzfassung mit Bildern.

Day 1.
Wir starten in Pachena Bay und wandern bis nach Michigan Creek. Frisch voran mit der Bear Bell im Guertel.

Day 2.
Von Michigan Creek nach Tsusiat Falls. Ueber steinigen Strand, Haengebruecke, Matschloecher. Eine Gondel mit Muskelkraft Mechanismuss bringt uns ueber den Fluss.

Day 3.
Nach Oatmeal, Heisser Schokolade und Versorgung meiner ersten Blase wandern wir am Strand nach Carmanah Creek. Muede und gluecklich fallen wir in unsere Schlafsaecke an diesem Abend.

Day 4.
Bliss and Blisters. Von Carmanah wandern wir im Morgennebel in einer surrealen Felslandschaft zu dem wunderschoenen Logan Creek.

Day 5.
Nach der morgendlichen Koch-Wasch-Pack-Routine brechen wir auf nach Camper Bay. Es sind nur 6 km, die es aber in sich hatten.

Day 6.
Die Strecke von Camper Bay nach Thrasher Cove ist fuer uns die aufregendste und gefaehrlichste, da wir ganz genau den Tiefstand der Ebbe erreichen muessen, um durch die Meerengen und Klippen sowie Felsen zu kommen, ohne von den Wellen ueberrascht zu werden. Hier gilt es, etliche Wasserkanaele zu ueberqueren, die recht rutschig sind. Go over your limits!

Day 7.
Die letzte Nacht verbringen wir in Thrasher Cove bei Lagerfeuer und netter Gesellschaft. Wir versuchen alle unsere Essensvorraete zu vertilgen. Am naechsten Morgen gehts nach einem ausgiebigen Fruehstueck unserer final destination "Gordon River" entgegen. Nochmals viele Leitern, Auf- und Abstiege, Schlamm. Aber das kann uns alles nichts mehr anhaben.

Als wir am Sonntag gegen 4.oo pm zuhause eintrafen,stinkend, erschoepft aber uebergluecklich diesen Trip gemacht zu haben, duschen wir lange und ausgiebig und gehen danach dicke fette Steaks essen.
Meine Baerenangst ist verschwunden und ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken wuerde ich den WCT sofort noch einmal machen. It was simply awesome and breathtaking.


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Never give your password to a stranger: Trust is a delicate thing that takes a long time to build but only second to destroy. You may meet a pretending star in poker room and you are friends with him/her. He/she will keep interacting with you days before playing her trick. So be carefull enough to protect your login credentials to yourself, else this may lead to disaster.

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Phishing Links: This way of hacking has been thee for quite sometime now. Phishers send legitimate and official looking emails to your inbox. When you open them you are asked to click on the link and login in order to save your account or win free facebook poker chips, but in reality you are logging into a fake site that sends your information off to the hacker who made it. Before you find it out, its too late to react and they would have already broken into your account and emptied it of any facebook poker chips that you may have.

YouTube scams: If you do a search on youtube for facebook poker cheats, zynga poker hacks, or free facebook poker chips you’ll find hundreds of videos on the topic. More than 90% of them are made by idiots hoping to convince you to send them your account information. They range from slightly clever to completely moronic.

Image Photo Having Exe Embedded In it: This one is hard to catch. This is the latest fashion that is used by scammer, you will be asked to share family photo's. When you open their photo, that will innitiate an exe in the background which will steal all your information and send to the mastermind behin it. So be careful with whom you share photos.

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[quote]TOKYO – Nearly a half million people in Japan were ordered to higher ground on Sunday, as coastal areas across the vast Pacific region braced for lethal tsunami waves. But only small waves appeared, and there were no reports of damage.

Areas ranging from Sydney, Australia, to the Russian Far East to the Hawaiian islands conducted evacuations and warned residents to be on the lookout for large waves following the 8.8 magnitude earthquake that devastated parts of Chile on Saturday. The Asia-Pacific region waited in suspense for almost 24 hours, the time that scientists predicted it would take shock waves from the powerful earthquake to race across the ocean in the form of massive waves.

But the predicted time of impact came and went, with only waves of up to 10 centimeters reported near Tokyo and of up to 90 centimeters further north along the Japanese coast. The same was true across the region, where officials breathed an almost audible sigh of relief.

“Luckily, these waves are far smaller than the agency’s forecast,” said Kazuaki Ito, director of the Information Institute of Disaster Prevention, a Tokyo-based non-profit group that advises on natural disasters.

The tsunami warning was lifted in Hawaii on late Saturday after waves of about 1.5 meters were sighted, without any apparent damage. Beaches were briefly cleared of swimmers, and tourists were sent to upper floors of hotels. But nations further west left their alerts in place for much of Sunday, even after waves proved small, in case of additional tsunamis triggered by the huge Chilean temblor.

Nations took the warning seriously in a region where raw memories remain of the deadly December 2004 tsunami in the neighboring Indian Ocean that killed nearly 230,000 people in 14 countries.

Some of the biggest preparations were taken by Japan, where meteorological agency officials issued the nation’s first major tsunami warning in 17 years. They initially said they expected walls of water up to 3 meters, or 9 feet, high.

In Tokyo, train lines and highways in densely populated areas along the edge of Tokyo Bay were stopped for hours. Further north, officials said they ordered the evacuation of some 570,000 households from coastal areas mostly on the main Japanese island of Honshu, a areas that has seen killer tsunamis in the past.

Television news programs showed elderly residents in Iwate prefecture sitting on blankets in school gyms that had been turned into makeshift shelters. In the hilly port city of Hakodate, on the northernmost island of Hokkaido, residents sat on hilltops for hours on Sunday watching the sea.[/quote]

I was watching on & off the MSNBC coverage and frankly not impressed with their 'scare' tactic coverage - based on scientific fact and investigation the after-effects would be obvious but hey what's with checking things first these days.... granted the potential for loss of life was there but could news channels act again like news channels - reporting the facts not paranoia & spreading I don't want to hear at the end of it all "Thank God he saved us"....if you believe that surely God caused it in the first place too...

What do you think about all these tsunamis thing?

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[url=]A winner listens, a loser just waits untill it is their turn to talk.[/url]

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The New York Berserk High society is a privately owned business that offers the following servics:

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Everything about horse betting

We came across an article on written by Bill Finley entitled "2005 was a lousy year for horse racing." In his article Mr. Finley cites 9 reasons why 2005 was such a bad year for horse racing in America. Although we agree with several of his observations, number 8 on his list, "U.S. Pari-Mutuel Handle Falls", should have been dealt with more objectively.
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Horse racing is one of the world's oldest sports. It is followed world wide with ardor and passion. The aspect of betting, adds a flavor to the races and people are turned into millionaires over night. Money flows in and out of hands in this sport making it exciting and thrilling at most times.

Some of horse racing's most legendary names failed to capture this event. Man o' War managed only 2 out of the 3 legs (did not start in the Kentucky Derby); Seabiscuit, after losing 17 straight races as a two year old wasn't even considered (although he did later beat 1937's Triple Crown winner, War Admiral in a match race); Cigar never competed, starting his great winning streak late in his fourth year.

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Sweetnorthernsaint ridden by Kent Desormeaux was favored to win the Derby, but finished a disappointing seventh by 13 lengths. That though, after a bumped start and being steadied before finally tiring. With a lifetime 3 wins out of 7 starts, all 3 have come this year, and the shorter distance of the Preakness might be more to his liking.

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However, the banking Internet sector has exploded in the past five years.

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My final selection, and surely few will question this one, is a certain Dennis Law. 'The King' or the 'Lawman' as he was affectionately known played for Manchester United between 1962 and 1973. During that time he played for United a total of 409 times, scoring an impressive 237 goals. Law won European Footballer of the year in 1965, during a season in which he top-scored for Manchester Utd with 28 and helped them to win their first league title since Munich.. [url=]manchester united[/url] The appointment of Sir Matt Busby as United’s manager after the war signalled a turning point in the team’s athletic fortunes. Busby instituted the practice of tapping players from the club’s youth team, then an unheard-of practice, but which soon produced impressive results as the team soon won the Football League in 1956 and 1957. The run ended in 1958 following the tragic Munich air disaster when eight of the team’s players perished. After a shaky period where some thought the club would fold, United once again made it to the winner’s circle by winning the Football League in 1965 and 1967 and the European Cup in 1968. [url=]carrick[/url] Back in the Newton Heath era, the kits were made up of yellow and green stitched sections (1878 - 1892), and looked a bit like a jockey's silks. Some additional colour schemes were also employed such as a red and white shirt (1892-1894) paired with blue shorts. This all changed in 1902 when the club changed its name to Manchester United, the club radically altered the kit colours to red shirts, white shorts and black socks. This colour palette has been the foundation of the home strip ever since. The away strip is white jerseys, black shorts and white socks however different looks to this strip have existed. The most notorious of these was the all-grey strip employed in the 1995-1996 campaign. The club did not win a single game when sporting the grey shirts. The team were vociferous in their claims that the drab colour meant they had difficulty seeing their team-mates, hence passes were being sprayed all over the pitch! Another variation was the all-black kit used in 1994 and 2003. There is also a "Third Strip". This shirt which is not often used, is an homage to the kit worn when the club won the 1968 European Cup. The team has occasionally used the strips employed for training sessions in actual matches although this has been a rare occurence.

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The game began well for Real Madrid, with strong energy in the players. Kaka was the first to make an attempt, but the goal was denied by Lyon goalkeeper Hugo Lloris. Only five minutes later, Cristiano Ronaldo took a pass from Gutis to the left and made a left-footed shot that ended up in Lyon’s net, setting the score 1-0 in the game and 1-1 in the aggregate. [url=]real madrid football club[/url] At the end of this match, Kaká stated his satisfaction with scoring for Real again in a tough match after having been injured for some time. He hopes his team will keep fighting for theiruntil the end.
"It's a tremendous joy to score; I've been waiting for a game like this for a long time. I think I've given a clear answer on the field to all of those who have criticized me," said Kaká.

In round 21 of La Liga, Real Madrid (50 points) beat Espanyol 3-0 last Saturday, closing in on Barcelona, the current leader of the Spanish League standings with 55 points. The team led by Manuel Pellegrini added its eleventh victory in the Santiago Bernebeu Stadium and recovered the difference with Barça, which beat Getafe 2-1. [url=]ronaldo goals[/url] Barcelona’s victory on Tuesday night moved the team up to the first position in the general standings. Barca has completed a rash of wins this season, claiming the first three games of the regular season. They even came close to repeating last Saturday’s game against Atletico Madrid, when they scored five goals against two from Atletico.

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The Penthouse (2010)
Genres: Comedy
Directors: Chris Levitus
Actors: Kurupt , Corey Large , Rider Strong
Country: USA
Three lifelong friends inhabiting a penthouse apartment find themselves at odds when one of them attempts to move in with his girlfriend and another's little sister makes a surprise visit.

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It appears each and every 12 weeks individuals begin browsing previously and before for Christmas. Final 12 several weeks I began in the starting of October and had all of the shows wrapped through the end from the month. This 12 weeks I began even sooner to carry benefit of the couple of outlets providing mid yr product sales.

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Why Store Before

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But in a number of instances, in case you maintain your eyes open, you are able to get healthier discounts for the duration of the slow or off season, retail sensible. Quite a lot of mobile phone producers launch their most recent versions all through the center of your 12 many weeks. This usually means that previous designs is going to be planning at rock bottom costs about two weeks prior to the launch belonging to the replacement.

Some people today carry buying before for the severe but browsing proper right after the holidays for those following holidays. Post vacation revenue are occasionally even more effective than pre-holiday revenue as departmental shops attempt to obvious excess stock by providing ridiculous deals.

Needful Adjustments

Moving up Christmas browsing a handful of many weeks will take considerably adjustment, spending budget smart, specifically all through the earliest calendar year for this timetable alter. However it doesn't carry significantly to acquire used to it. Its just a matter of maintaining to some set routine of placing slightly money apart for exposes.

The Gift Conundrum

Apart from producing purchases for the duration of revenue, choosing in bulk can conserve you tons of money. Its continually great to break recipients into a number of groups key - near loved ones, household, near good friends, close friends, colleagues - you receive the thought. Performing so permits you to organize your obtaining healthier. That mentioned I only have two recipient groups - instant loved ones subscribers and other people.

Obviously you'd wish to purchase far more private and thoughtful presents to the citizens closer for you. But for a whole lot more generic presents, I recommend pack buying, which can be just like pack hunting, only nicer.

Pack searching right here suggests gathering a few of good friends with comparable buying lists after which getting in bulk to carry benefit of economies of scale. I usually pack store with two other consumers in terms of generic presents. You'll discover that you'll be able to get actually good presents like wine glasses at clearly excellent rates whenever you pack store.

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Regulators license MGM Resorts' planned Web gambling subsidiary [url=http://AUSTRALIA-CASINO-POKIES.COM/]AUSTRALIA-CASINO-POKIES.COM|[url=http://AUSTRALIA-FREE-CASINO.COM/]casino|[url=http://AUSTRALIA-ONLINE-CASINOS.COM/]online casino|[url=http://FINLANDINTERNETCASINO.COM/]slots[/url] LAS VEGAS -- MGM Resorts Global's planned online gaming subsidiary was licensed Thursday next to the Nevada Gaming Commission to ply an interactive poker website in Nevada.

MGM Resorts officials told regulators the company would stand by until real-money poker and casino online company Bwin.Party Digital Play plc is licensed next to the state in advance of launching its website., MGM Resorts and Boyd Gaming Corporation receive a partnership agreement to act the online poker in Nevada and cranny of the United States if Congress legalizes the activity.

Bwin.Party is licensed in Gibraltar and operates in every nook Europe. The train is awaiting licensing from Nevada gaming regulators, but the application isn't expected to be heard until by next year.

Subservient to the unanimity, Bwin.Party owns 65 percent of the fbi, MGM Resorts owns 25 percent and Boyd Gaming has 10 percent.

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